
Josh Martinez Detailed the Origin of the 'Vacation Alliance'

The Challenge veterans, including Josh Martinez, Fessy Shafaat, Kaycee Clark, Nany Gonzalez, Devin Walker, and Tori Deal, have entered houses in an apparently pre-formed group to work together in the upcoming season. Many viewers believe they’ve formed their team during the off-season while on trips, jokingly referring to it as the “vacation alliance.” While some enjoy the crew, others can’t stand it, as they’re tired of seeing the same faces. Josh, the assumed leader of the alliance, recently detailed the group’s origin.

Josh Martinez on the formation of the vacation alliance

During a January 2023 interview with MTV’s Official Challenge Podcast, Josh Martinez explained he initially went on a vacation with Aneesa Ferreira, Devin Walker, and Tori Deal around Spies, Lies, and Allies.

According to the multi-season competitor, he and those three became good friends in the house due to their support for him and his mental health.

Additionally, Josh considered himself the connection between them and his Big Brother allies, as they initially didn’t trust each other in the game.

When it comes to his priority in the alliance, Josh admitted he doesn’t see himself getting pecked off early. Instead, the reality star believes the group he fused would look out for him.

Josh almost competed in ‘The Challenge 38’

Speaking on a panel at a Challenge Mania live episode, Josh revealed he intended to compete in his sixth season in a row.

According to him, the producers asked him to bring his sister as his teammate, but the Big Brother star didn’t want to get her on reality TV, citing his negative experience with online hate from the viewers as his reason.

Therefore, he wanted to partner with two-time champ Rachel Robinson, who hasn’t competed since 2012’s Battle of the Exes. However, she rejected the invitation as she wanted to remain home for her family.

Josh also said he would have competed with alum Da’Vonne Rogers, but she opted out of the season at the last season. The veteran noted he didn’t realize he was an alternate for Ride or Dies until the last second when he saw a bus with the cast taking off for the Challenge house without him, reducing him to tears. Even so, Josh admittedly appreciated the break as he felt he didn’t realize he needed it.

Josh’s allies are competing in ‘The Challenge 38’

Currently, the Vacation Alliance is performing well in Ride or Dies without the “glue,” Josh. The group has protected each other when in power and hasn’t said each other’s names. In fact, Tori risked her relationship with Jordan when trying to convince him not to vote Fessy into elimination.

Devin and Tori are teammates and have navigated the competition well despite landing in the first elimination. They also haven’t won a daily mission, avoiding having to nominate four teams.

Regardless, their infamous one-week deals have helped them nearly reach the finals. Partnered with seven-time champ Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio, Nany Gonzalez has returned for this season with a renewed focus as her mother recently unexpectedly died.

Their daily win and longstanding allies have kept them safe. Fessy and Kaycee competed alongside rookies they brought to the show; Moriah Jadea and Kaycee’s brother, Kenny. Although their teammates were eliminated, the veterans are still in the game.


Mittie Cheatwood

Update: 2024-09-17